Be a part of #DTH125 bookstore and silent auction

Calling all authors!

The DTH Alumni Association wants to create a #DTH125 bookstore at the celebration weekend featuring books by DTH alumni.

Did you write a book? We’d love to include a wide range of books by DTH authors, and we may have opportunities for book signings.

Published authors should email with the title of the book, a brief description and information about the publisher and how we can get copies for sale.

Silent auction items

The Alumni Association is also working to collect items for a Silent Auction for the 125th celebration. This auction will raise money for The Daily Tar Heel, a nonprofit, and your donation will be tax-deductible. Good silent auction items might include:

-Prints of photos you took for the DTH of significant people, events or athletics.

-Framed DTH editions of note.

-UNC or DTH memorabilia.

-Experiences such as a weekend beach rental.

-Memberships to journalism organizations.

Email information about your potential donations to by Jan. 1.


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