Welcoming a new class of DTH Alumni

The Class of 2016 will graduate from UNC on May 8, but they became DTH alumni sometime around 12:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 27.

The last print deadline met, the final online interactive built, it was time for one more post-production trip to Linda’s.

The seniors published plenty of goodbyes, both in the DTH and on their own social media. In her farewell column, Editor-in-Chief Paige Ladisic captured that special feeling of working with people you love and, in her words, “also want to kick in the face.”

So here’s to making deadline — and missing it. Here’s to all the shit. Here’s to late nights, early mornings and long days. Here’s to criticizing the University and loving it at the same time. Here’s to asking the world to be better. Here’s to all of the editors who came before me, and here’s to all of the editors that will follow. Here’s to the youth and the fire and the passion of student journalism. Here’s to The Daily Tar Heel.

Kelsey Weekman and Drew Goins ended the two school-year run of their “advice” column with words that manage to be both hilarious and wise.

If you aren’t ready to move on from where you are in life, remember this absolute truth — life is not about the number of breaths you take. It’s about the number of rap songs you can recite all the words to at a party.

When you’re trying to say goodbye to something you have loved deeply for four years and just don’t know how, start rambling and never stop until you run out of space.

The Editorial Board, under the leadership of Opinion Editor Sam Schaefer, stopped to explain once more why critiquing UNC is an act of love.

We are not unreasonable — we know times are tough and that change often comes slowly — but as the University is seemingly more concerned with finances and its image than its people, something needs to be said to make sure we protect that which we love.

And so we beat on, critiquing UNC, demanding positive changes that allow more people in the future to enjoy this school and to feel more valued as students, faculty, staff, visitors and stakeholders. To achieve this bright future, we must peer past our pride to help foster a better community.






The Class of 2016 is a strong one. They are headed off to a great assortment of internships, jobs and higher education. Here’s but a sampling:

Ladisic is returning to The Charlotte Observer to as an online producer. Managing Editor Mary Tyler March will be at the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Director of Enterprise Bradley Saacks will be at Bloomberg News in Washington, D.C. Schaefer will be studying history as a master’s student at Middle Tennessee State. Sports Editor Pat James will be in Atlanta with MLB.com.

Stay on the lookout for recent graduates looking for jobs. Those with internships will be looking for new assignments within a few months. Let’s keep the DTH employment network strong for them!


Posted in DTH staff news.

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