Justin Scheef ’95 recently found and shared these photos he took in the newsroom for a class project in fall 1995.
Do you have pictures from your DTH days that you’d like to share on this site? Email us at alumni@dailytarheel.com.
- At the daily budget meeting in the Frank Porter Graham Lounge in the Student Union, Editor Thanassis Cambanis explains to Features Editor Greg Kaliss (left) the he deosn’t have space to run a story.
- Editors and staff writers read stories together in the messy DTH newsroom. An empty table or desk is seldom seen.
- Photo editor Erik Perel analyzes a strip of negatives from a soccer game before sleeving them. After Perel finds the picture he wants to run, he scans in the negative
- Senior writer Jimmy Whitfield listens to a mini tape recorder and types up quotes for a story on the UNC-N.C. State football game.
- State & National Editor Robyn Tomlin Hackley conducts a phone interview while keeping an eye on her 6-year-old son, Andrew.
- Copy desk editor Jenny Heinzen lets her dog, Hayley, help her edit a story. All stories must be edited by Heinzen’s desk before going to print.