5 reasons to come to the DTH summer networking events

The Daily Tar Heel Alumni Association is getting close to the first of four DTH summer networking events. We’ll be in Charlotte from 6-8 p.m. on Thursday. In July, we’ll have three more events: July 9 in the Triangle; July 13 in New York City; and July 14 in Washington, D.C. You can RSVP to the events here to help us plan.

We know many of you wanted to come to our DTH Homecoming in Chapel Hill in February (Save the Date: Feb. 24-25, 2017), but couldn’t make the journey. These summer events are an opportunity to be involved with the DTH Alumni Association from your own city!

If you haven’t decided to come to one of our events yet, here are five reasons why you should make it happen:

  1. Networking opportunities. The DTH network of alumni has always been a great way to find work and friends in the wide world away from Chapel Hill. The Alumni Association events are an easy way to forge those connections with DTHers from different eras and professional experiences.
  2. Mentoring opportunities. There will be current DTH students at each event, and this is will be a great chance for you to interact with them. Who knows — a great mentor relationship could be born! Bonus points if you are responsible for hiring interns or entry-level employees at your office.
  3.  Swag opportunities! We’ll be selling the Alumni Association t-shirt that features the classic Chuck Stone quote “College is just an excuse to work for The Daily Tar Heel. (While supplies last! Sorry, we have sold out of the coffee mugs for now!) We’ll also be gaging interest in other kinds of DTH merchandise you might want.
  4. Reliving-Your-Glory-Days opportunities. Self-explanatory.
  5. Opportunities to help the DTH. You’ll get a chance to learn more about how the DTH is navigating the new media landscape and ways alumni can support our students, whether that’s making a tax-deductible donation, sharing your industry expertise or helping provide training.


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