UNC in the National Championship game!

UNC plays Villanova tonight for the NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship, and it’s been busy at the DTH to say the least.

There are five DTH journalists in Houston covering the game: Pat James, Carlos Collazo, Katie Williams, David Allen and Kendall Bagley. You can read their work here.

Meanwhile, other DTH staffers have been busy planning for fantastic coverage, and even channeling their inner newsie and handing out papers on campus.

There are also former DTH sports journalists covering the Final Four. Follow Powell Latimer and Brooke Pryor.

If we win… (knock on wood)

We will have DTH championship paraphernalia available at store.dailytarheel.com. You can also read this handy Q&A on distribution of Tuesday’s paper. Ryan Thornburg and I are hoping for the chance to get new shirts!



While you are here

-If you haven’t yet joined The Daily Tar Heel Alumni Association, please do so now by registering on this site and filling out your profile. As members, you’ll be sure to learn details about our upcoming summer networking events and the next Alumni Homecoming as soon as they are available.

-If you love our student journalists’ coverage of the team in Houston and the fans back in Chapel Hill, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the DTH. You can specify “student travel” for your donation. Sports travel in the NCAA tournament is expensive but provides our student journalists with unforgettable professional experience.


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